The success and viability of our coal industry is essential in securing Australia's future prosperity.
Australia's prosperity is directly linked to the success of our coal industry.
Coal provides Australia with reliable and affordable baseload electricity.
Coal is also a critical mineral in making steel, meaning it is essential to build homes and infrastructure.
In addition to its practical uses, coal is a significant contributor to Australia’s economy. Coal remains Australia’s second largest export, and contributed $99.3 billion to the national economy in 2022-23.
And coal supports regional communities, directly employing 42,500 Australians and supporting more than 300,000 more jobs.
Australians rely on coal, and they rely on the people and communities that sustain our coal industry.
Coal is an essential mineral in the production of steel, concrete, and aluminium - building materials we all rely on.
Coal remains the most affordable and reliable source of baseload power, providing 47% of Australia's electricity.
Coal Australia is working to educate Australians on the importance of a strong coal industry to Australia's economic prosperity.
Without coal we wouldn't have reliable electricity or steel to build the homes, buildings and infrastructure of the future – and that relies on the communities that sustain coal mining.
Sign up to show your support for our coal industry and the regional coal communities that Australia relies on.
direct employees of the coal industry in Australia
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
worth of coal exports from Australia
Source: Department of Industry, Science and Resources
of metallurgical coal produced, much of which is used to create steel
Source: Department of Industry, Science and Resources
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